Monday, February 9, 2015

Lining Up for Disappointment

Hello everyone,

  Have you ever waited in line for something? I don't mean your average line at grocery store. I mean a line for a special event, be it a grand-opening, a new release, a convention... something more specific than the everyday sort of waiting in line.

  Odds are that, while you are in line, or just before you are in line, you start to make expectations for the new-release (let's use this example) you are about to take part in.


  Why do you form pre-concieved ideas of what's about to happen? Odds are that you are completely off and will be disappointed because it did not meet your expectations that, technically, no one guaranteed for you.

  In case you didn't know, Nintendo is releasing one of it's most anticipated releases this year: the New 3DS XL (good for you Nintendo, more creative names (sarcasm)). So logically, many stores are going to have some early morning lines of Nintendo super-fans that want to guarantee their purchase (now why didn't they pre-order at one of the many locations on offer?). Many of these stores will, most likely, not have enough stock to fulfill demand, thus destroying many people's pre-conceptions. This often leads to anger and rage from people that can't afford losing their chances to get their oh-so-precious toy.

  Now, I admit it, I'm a bit of a hypocrite (surprise, surprise). I NEED a New 3DS. But I'm not going to be waiting in line for it. Sure I'll lose my chances at it for a while, but it's worth it not to get severely disappointed. Besides, what college student with a life has that kind of money?

So for those of you who will be waiting in lines in the future, clear your mind of any pre-conceptions. Or at least weigh both the positive, and negative possibilities. You'll be only slightly disappointed, or overjoyed. Either result isn't too bad don't you think?

Thank all,



  1. I feel as though lines take away a lot of time that I could be doing a million other importnat things. The 3ds, once released, wont be going anywhere anytime soon!

  2. I feel as though lines take away a lot of time that I could be doing a million other importnat things. The 3ds, once released, wont be going anywhere anytime soon!
